Thursday, October 16, 2008


Fundamental- I don't know about you all but I am so ready for this election to be done with. It's exciting as all get out, and hopefully when its done we'll be able to get our country back on track, but if there is one thing I am sick of, it's hearing the word fundamental.

Whoever gets elected I am writing them to pass a law that says the word fundamental should be banished from our language.

I mean fundamentally its a good word, but at it's fundamental foundations it can be fundamentally overused. This can cause a fundamental misconeption on the fundamentals of the word fundamental. wether you agree or disagree with me on this you know that fundamentally I am right, and that you should change your fundamentals and agree with me after hearing this word which from here on forward shall be known as the new f word. :)


Michelle said...

I'm so sick of this whole political mess! I just wish we could get someone who would put politics aside and get this country back on track! So, after the last debate, I've made up my mind on who to vote for....Me! I'm writing in my own name and encouraging others to do the same. Or if you wish you can vote for me too!

----stepping off of my soapbox.



Marlene said...

UH! What? I am Fundamentally Confused! LOL!!
Have a great weekend!