Monday, June 30, 2008

Is it just me or does anyone else have total and complete Neurotic moments??

I woke up Saturday morning and looked around our bedroom, I thought "I can not stand this room one day longer".

A brief bit of history, when we bought our house three years ago it had been VERY neglected. Which was lucky for us, it looked so bad on the inside nobody else wanted it. We loved the location and the six acres and had a vision we could make it first livable and eventually quite nice. We have done a LOT of work on the inside and outside but our bedroom (other then new paint and carpet) is way down the list for things that need to be done.

Me: Babe can you grab me the chainsaw?

Dew: Um, excuse me did you just saw grab you the chainsaw?

Me: Yea, I hate, hate this bed I'm just going to make a few quick changes to it.

Dew: What do you want done and I'll do it?
(notice how he jumps right in to do it and doesn't question why? I'm pretty sure he knows if I get a hold of the chainsaw, there would be more then just the bed getting makeovers...closet...dresser and so on)

Me: (a little bummed no chainsaw action for me) Ok cut this off, this, this and this.

Dew: Ok, but I'll make the cuts here and not there so the bed does not fall apart and I'll use a saw not a chainsaw.....

After taking the whole bed apart sawing here and there and sanding and staining, I'm happy to say the bed looks 100% better. (Done completely and totally by Dew. Its still not my favorite, but in my defense I didn't pick it out in the first place)

Me: I just looked in this Feng shui book and it says our bed is in the worst possible position in the room. (I have had this book for years and never looked at it, nothing else in our house is in any way Feng Shui either)

Dew: (I'm sure wondering way he didn't come up with an excuse to get out of the house before I got out of bed) Ok where does the book say the bed needs to be? (as he is eyeing the door wondering if he can make a break for it.

These "little" changes involved us rearranging not less then three rooms in our house, we ended up working on putting everything back together until late last night. Yep that's right folks all weekend....

But..... in my defense I think it looks much better and everything is cleaner so it was worth it... right?

Hum.... I wonder why Dew was up and Running to get out of the house to go to work today?


Kim H said...

Obviously, with both boys safely at home now you needed a project. I can say that I went through the same thing after Morgan was home and am still working on it. You know, one room looks really good, but flows into another and you need to do that one...... Richard now has a prioritized list.

Wilcox Family said...

Stacey you always make me laugh - we are more alike than you know - ha ha! I have been on a clean and simplify the house kick for quite some time now - the other day I started cleaning the kids closet at 10 AM and finished at 8pm - that's right 8pm AND it looked like a blizzard hit in between those times. Marsh had the same look on his face every time he came in to check up on me - women, you have gone crazy! :) But, I feel great, closet is clean! :) I think the first step in Feng Shui is to declutter your house - I'm right there with ya girl! :) oh funny, loved your commentary!

Heidi said...

You are too funny! I am the same way though. One day I will just snap and have to do something about a particular room or piece of furniture. You should post a pic!

Lisa Johnson said...

Hee hee!! I came home after a weekend of camping and insisted I HAD to clean out the pantry last night!! My hubby did his part by keeping the little ones outside. I don't think he would EVER saw anything off the bed for me though. :)

Ruthanne said...

That is SO funny---babe, hand me the chainsaw. How often do you hear that, really?!?

You are hilarious.
No before and after shots? I'm disappointed. ;)

btw...a long time ago, when I was married and living in a different state, I came home from church (still in my dress and heels) went to the bathroom 'real quick before dinner' and ended up tearing all the wallpaper off the walls.
I understand completely, girl. :)