Tuesday, April 1, 2008


We received a call from CCI today. They said that the reason Kolby has not had his DNA taken is because he has Monilia. Angela (CCI) said that she looked it up before she called and Monilia seems to be the same thing as thrush or a yeast infection. Our attorney said that Kolby has this in his mouth so they have been unable to get a good sample for the DNA test. Maybe some of you out there that are around children or have experienced this can share any info you have about Monilia. From what I can find on the net it could be caused by a number of reasons not the least of which is hygiene. (thank you Ellie, who is an expert at finding answers to my questions faster then anyone I know) CCI said they are trying to find out what is being done to help Kolby and how long they expect it to last. Hopefully we get that information tomorrow. We are VERY concerned about Kolby and how he is being cared for. We have A LOT of questions..........
Please hold him in your prayers


Marlene said...

How long does this last? Surely no longer than a week? He is in my prayers! Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

praying he is healed as we speak and DNA is being done! It's time for you to go get that boy!!


Nikki said...

Oh no!! You guys are in my prayers... hope the DNA happens VERY soon!! Stay strong...


Susannah said...

I'm really sorry this is happening. Hey, and this girl can say, "i hate the waiting!" BUT the only thing I can trust in is that God is not surprised (i am) and I am going to be pray,pray,praying for that little guy! I'm sure we will hear good news so soon! Keep your head up, friend!!
big hug from Georgia,

Anna said...

What a stress for you all. Will pray for you that this will be resolved quickly and little Kolby can be home with his forever family very, very soon!! Hang in there.

Who said you don't have cute animals where you are...those lambs in a previous post are adorable. Thanks for visiting my blog too!
