Tuesday, September 27, 2011

So I wake up yesterday morning

To this child fully dressed walking around the house. It was 6am my normal time to get up, not Luke's normal time. Usually I have to go in and wake both boys up around 7.

So I ask "how long have you been up"

"oh I don't know a few hours"

OK mildly concerning but I figure kids have a weird view of time maybe half hour max.

We proceed with the morning routine getting everyone ready and fed. As we are walking out the door I pick up his backpack and notice its heavy. From past experience I know the temptation to sneak toys to school is almost unbearable so heavy in a backpack is not good. As I'm unzipping and asking whats inside he says "oh I made my own lunch". For the record before he started school and we talked about staying at school all day and getting to eat lunch he decided he wanted to buy his lunch from the lunch room. (this being the easier option for me woopee) So I pull out his John Deer lunch box and open it. As I was expecting anything from dirty socks to Lego's I was shocked to see a ham and cheese sandwich, apple and little bag filled with frankinberry crunch. (don't judge I don't let them eat it for breakfast its more like a desert treat....mostly for me. Hard marshmallows and blue milk, come on people...yum) Shocking as it was to see a full lunch made was the fact that there was NO mess in the kitchen. Everything neatly put away, nothing to alert me that a lunch had even been made. Um ok ,well good job lets throw in a drink and your ready to go.

Still a little in shock from the morning, when we got home I noticed something strange in their playroom. We have a stash of "rainy day" things to do, this being one of them.

On their table was a measuring cup and stirring spoon, the little containers with liquid and rocks in them. So I call Luke in to tell me about his experiment. He shows me the instructions that came with the kit. There are little pictures with instructions for each step. He said "I just followed along with the pictures, see this first one says to pour coffee into a measuring cup, then mix in the crystals and pour over the rocks". Coffee? I look close and it says pour boiling water (pretty happy he didn't sound out the words and try that) and the picture shows a tea kettle. To him a coffee pot.

So to sum up, he likely was up for at least an hour, he might be a mad scientist, and he is far more self sufficient in the kitchen then we knew.

I am weighing the pros and cons of buying a chemistry set for him for Christmas....things might get blown up, but great to help his learning. Hum... what to do :)

1 comment:

Hannah said...

That's Funny! I can't believe he made his lunch and cleaned up before starting on his coffee project :)