Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Oh how time makes us forget......

365 days is apparently enough time to make me forget that trying to take my own Christmas pics is NOT a good idea. I should have remembered that it was near impossible to do with just Luke last year. So the chances of me getting a good pic with two boys would be 100-1.
As it turned out I stopped at 40 pictures and picked two that while not spectacular at least have both boys looking in the same direction.
I could have taken them outdoors somewhere to get some winter shots, but my battery is near dead in my camera so I can take a good 6-8 pics before I have to recharge the camera. So inside it was to take the pics, download them, say "frick" recharge the camera then take some more...... Over and over again.
I thought I would share a few of the 40 pics.......

Luke had the smile down pretty well. It was just getting him to look at me that was the problem. Kolby as you can tell didn't quite understand what we were trying to do.
I have vowed that whatever it costs next year we are having them professionally done. My sanity is worth it :)


Marlene said...

What are you talking about!?! Those photos are Classic. I would make a photo collage. They really are great. I love Kolby's face on the last one...too funny! Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

awwww those are really good actually!!! I dont like the perfect posed ones!!!!They are the cutest!


Anna said...

At least they look like they're having a ball Stacey...I know its so hard to get them to both look at you and smile at the same time...or sit still together for that matter :)

Take care,

Michelle said...


Keep taking your own pic's! They are the BEST! Thanks for the smile today, I love it!



Ruthanne said...

SO cute!! I love the first one and the last one. How can two children from different countries look so much alike? Amazing. They were truly meant to be brothers.