I think I have mentioned a time or 10 that Luke has a very strong little personality.
Well these are my attempts at trying to get him to smile for me. I told him that since we were a little early his teacher might not be ready for us yet. We had just enough time to take some pictures. (all true by the way)
"Mom, mom a big bus"
I received my wonderful PIF from the amazing Marlene at http://reasonsipostto.blogspot.com/
Look at this beautiful Guatemala photo album she made, I love it!!! The fabric runner and angel doll are just perfect. If I'm not mistaken she sells some of these things at her eBay store, check them out for sure.
THANKS Marlene!!!
THANKS Marlene!!!
Oh my goodness, he is so big and that little back pack...ahhh they do grow up if you water and feed them. The first day of school is such a magical day isn't it? Loved your PIF...
He is so cute with his little backpack. What a big boy.
How did you keep yourself from stalking the classroom and taking pictures through the windows? I'm going to be a big MESS!!
He's SO adorable in his little backpack. what a cutie!
He is so cute! He sounds like my Dmitry. It must be a boy thing! I didn't even get the preschool first day picture. I had to settle for after class because mine ran off with out so much as a goodbye!
I love his little backpack. He is just adorable.
Your boys are so precious. We are dealing with the preschool next week!!!
AWWWWWW i love the pics of your big boys he is sooo cute and very serious looking!
OH shoot i forgot mail Marlene my address so i could get my gift...Darn im jealous!
Aren't first days wonderful? They are for teachers too.
Stacey, what a grown up boy Luke is going to school. This is 'big' school now for him is it not preschool anymore? What a big step for Mum too!!
And that is a beautiful PIF gift too.
Take care,
Sorry me again...silly me I didn't read very well, that it is preschool. I thought so!! Having a vague moment!!
Ahh... he looks so cute with his backpack all ready to go to school. And look at that green grass at the school. I want recess!
What a cutie!! Looks like he had a great first day!!
Oh my goodness! I cannot believe that he is in pre-school! What a sweetie pie with the backpack on! It sounds like YOU handled it like a trooper! HUGS!
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