Its not back to school time for us yet. Luke starts preschool in a few weeks. He is so excited to go back, we are meeting with his new teacher next week and he asks every day when we get to go. He gets one on one work with his speech development. He is doing 110% better with his speech. For those that don't know when we brought him home from Kaz at 2 years old he was not talking at all. No baby talk no babbling nothing. He has come such a long way since then, he now uses full sentences. We are so proud of his progress!!
Since we don't have our back to school pics yet I was looking through our pics and remembered that I never posted his last day of school pics from last May.
So still on topic, just backwards :)
Check out more cute back to school pics at Sarah's place
So cute! I love the last picture, he looks so proud of his artwork!
Dmitry came home from Russia at two and he had to have therapy too. It amazes me how quickly they catch up and learn new things. Just amazing.
Have a great weekend!
Go Lukey Go...
Just think in a few weeks, the preschool starts... And then Kindergarden, First, second... OMG... THAT IS SCARY! That means baby is growning up... STOP... PAUSE...
Just think, when you first hear him read a book to you...
See Spot Run... you are going to think back to the beginning...
Your little HAS COME A LONG WAY~!
AWWWWW a cute boy with all his artwork looking sooo proud!
So cute!! Way to go Luke!!!
Very cute pictures!!
He is a doll!!
Love his funny faces!!!
That is so great that Luke is coming on with his speech. I have friends here who have had similar issues with their kids and its quite hard work but so worth the efforts when they do start talking better.
Have a great weekend,
He is too cute!!
What a cutie! Awesome that he has made so much progress. What a hurdle to have jumped over!
What a cutie he is! It is so sad that they want to grow up so fast. It looks like you may have an artist on your hands. Have a great week.
oh my gosh!! Look at that smile in the last picture---I just want to squeeze him!! You must be one proud mama!!
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