Friday, October 7, 2011

Who's ready for winter?

Not us...oh wait maybe we are.

We have gone up to the mountains gathering fire wood all summer. A few years ago some kind of beetle infested the forests to the East of us. I'm sure there is a scientific or newsie version I could tell but instead I'll just say there are dead trees EVERYWHERE. So to help clear them out for the price of a $10 permit they are yours or ours for the taking.

Our trip last weekend was our fastest so far, we are getting the hang of this.

We start with Dewey using the chainsaw. For this part the boys and I make sure we are nowhere near the area. (other than this picture which I snuck up for)

The boys take their very important job of hitting dead trees with hammers seriously. (what you didn't know that had to be done? Believe you me hours of entertainment)

I don't claim to understand why this is so fun, maybe its one of those things not in a female brain. But who am I to stop such a good time.

Once Dew has the trees cut into "fit into the bed of the truck size" pieces me and the boys come back to help. The boys supervise as we carry and lift. With this system I have to say we are well stocked for the winter. Plus got enough to share with Dad and Winnie.

And why is this important and what does it have to do with being ready for winter you ask.

A few nights ago we had our first freezing temps and snow fall. (gasp I know its the first week of Oct) We also had a power outage that same night. So...... out comes the firewood and we had a cozy warm fire to sit by.

Of course we had to make an adventure out of it so we put up our small tent so we could have an indoor camp out. (with no power there obviously were no lights so picture this room dark, kinda cool how you can't tell with the wonder of the flash camera)

We all have headlamp flashlights for our cave exploring. They come in super handy in times like these. Luke still got to get in his reading time before bed.

So bring it winter we are ready!!! However if you want to hold off for a few weeks I won't complain at all.

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