Do you ever have weeks where 101 things go wrong? The past few weeks have been like that for us, we are ready for the little black cloud to move away from our house. On the bright side since our dryer went out and I'm hanging out our clothes to dry it has brought back fond memories of our months in Kazakhstan doing laundry by hand. And our air conditioner did make it through the summer when we really needed it before it going out. Unfortunately there is no bright side to the large dental bills we are soon to have for three members of our family :(
But new day, new week, new hope of better things to come.
Something we do have to be happy about......... FOOTBALL SEASON woot-woot
We have a small university in town, Go T-Birds. We like to support them (even if they rarely win, grrrrr) they are our local team. They had a kick off the season/meet the team geared towards kids a few weeks ago. The boys were so excited, this is them showing off their football faces. (Luke forgot to look mean in the first one)
They had a table set up to meet some of the players and have them sign a poster. As we went around getting signatures on our two posters the boys said not one word. The players would say "hi" or "hey buddy are you gonna play football when you get older?" Both Luke and Kolby would just stare, their little eyes huge as saucers not uttering a sound. Which left me to smile say thanks and shuffle them around the table, to funny. They love their posters and insisted on hanging them in their playroom on the football wall. (99% Dews Dallas Cowboys stuff 1% my 49er's which only made it because its a picture of me and Steve Young)
It was also county fair time. Our county has a whopping population of 46,000 so picture small and quaint, we love it! And a first for me, being that we have a 4 and 6 year old we could not miss the demolition derby. I was not sure what to expect having never seen one and I'm not sure the small one we saw qualifies but the boys liked it and are still talking about it.
There are not many things that will hold the boys attention for two hours.
I LOVE following your blog on life, love and family...The ups and downs blended with the joy of kids and the simplicity of life. We just finished our year long and expensive journey to the dentist as tooth at a time was my mantra. ha ha Hang in! xoxo, Jana
Hello Stacey,
I have been terrible at keeping up with my blogs that I love reading and am sorry to hear that things have been tough of late for you guys. Hope things improve soon for you.
The photos of the boys are great...they are growing up so much.
All is well for us over here in Oz:) I haven't blogged for months now as seem to have writers block:) And am quite busy as am studying an online business course plus doing all the usual things as well so some things have had to take a back seat.
Take care.
Anna x
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