Yesterday was Luke's first day of school. He is gasp....sob... in first grade. We went to his back to school night earlier in the week. His teacher is nice as can be. He was so excited the night before school, he had his clothes and backpack all ready.
They are so funny, I swear they spend half the time just making each other laugh. (of course the other half they are fighting)
Kolby had to have a picture of his "rolly polly" He found it while we were taking pics and ran in the house to grab a cup to keep him in. It was no easy task convincing him that his rolly polly would be happier living in the dirt then in a cup all day.
Luke and Dewey sporting a number one for first grade!!
Since we were taking pics we might as well grab one with me and my boys
And just a small taste of my craziness....... I picked up Kolby a little early so we could grab some doughnuts as a treat for Luke when he got home. Because of this we were a little early when we drove home. As we passed the street with Luke's school on it two bus's were heading our way. Since we were ahead of the bus's we hurried home parked the car and jumped out to wait. The bus stopped across the street and then left. Kolby and I looked around for Luke but nobody had gotten off the bus. I immediately panicked, where is my baby boy. We ran back in the house grabbed my phone and jumped in the car. I was thinking we had forgotten to tell Luke which bus to get on what if he is lost somewhere. (full on freaking out) I call Dew all crazy sounding and he says all calm (because he is used to my crazy) "Take a deep breath, Luke should not even be out of school yet it was probably the JR. High bus I'm sure he is fine". Never the less Kolby and I drive to Lukes school and park. No sooner had we got there we see Luke come skipping out the first grade doors (literally skipping). Now I breathe and calm my crazy. I see that the principal is waiting by the bus's with a clipboard and all the kids are in orderly lines. So Kolby and I drive back home and once again wait....
Luke makes it home safe and sound. A perk of living in the country is the bus picks him up and drops him off right at our driveway.
Luke makes it home safe and sound. A perk of living in the country is the bus picks him up and drops him off right at our driveway.
We jump and and down and celebrate his first day of school. Luke says he made new friends and saw some old friends from last years class. He loves his teacher already and thinks getting his own lunch in the lunch room is the coolest thing ever. Well not as cool as getting to play in the big playground twice. As soon as hes done talking Kolby says "we thought you were lost". I explain to Luke the mix up with the bus but that once I saw him and the principal we knew he was ok. Then I heard the words that I didn't think I would hear until he was a teenager. "m.......o....o....o.....m......m......m (said in a deadpan teenage voice I swear) you came to school, mom you can't do that everyday, I'm fine".
Sheesh can't a mom be a little crazy and worry about her kid :)
1 comment:
What a cute and poignant post. You just make me smile, Stacey. You're such an adorable mom... and Luke's ending comment is priceless!
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