Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What a week.......

We assumed it would happen at some point. But we did not think it would be Kolby our three year old that would be the first one to do it.
Last week when I went to pick up the boys from preschool their wonderful teacher Jennie met me at the door. (from past experience I know this is never a good thing) "Let me tell you what happened today" If you can picture me with instant slumped shoulders and resigned look on my face. Apparently Kolby threw a dinosaur while playing with one of his friends. He did not want his friend to play with it and thought throwing it would be a good idea. It just so happened there was a window in the direct line of where he threw the dinosaur.
Not an actual picture the window he broke was much bigger. So we have the first of what I can only assume will be many broken windows. On the bright side I think Kolby has a real future in baseball, obviously the kid can throw.
On our way home every day we pass this beautiful little grove of trees. The colors are just beautiful this time of year. All last week I planned on stopping to take pictures of the boys. One thing after another came up (rain, late getting home etc.) and we were not able to too. By Fri I was not giving up. I'm not making this up when I say as we pulled up it started to rain. I looked around and saw blue sky's the clouds were just over us. I told the boys to get out of the car we are taking pictures. They looked at me like I was crazy even at 3 and 5 they understood the wisdom of staying dry. Never the less off we went through the mud to find the perfect tree.
And just as I'd hoped the rain stopped and we were able to get some great shots.

At one point Luke informed me that my shoes were getting muddy. (high heels completely sunk in the mud) Don't care not missing these colors.

These are my favorites, they both just started laughing. I think they realized how funny the situation really was.
And wonder of wonder I was able to get the shots with my fickle camera.

I printed both the above pics out to sit on my desk. They make me smile just looking at them.

How pretty is this sunset? This is looking out our front door. And we were sorta going with a yellow theme above so it fits :)


Anna said...

Ouch about the window...Yes he sounds like he's going to have a good throwing arm:)

And love those photos...the colours are beautiful and the boys are very cute and happy. Kolby is nearly as tall as Luke!

Take care,

Wilcox Family said...

I'm sitting here laughing, we are oh so much alike...I love that our boys humor us. Loved the photo of them laughing at the end, so worth it!!!

Jstar said...

Howdy! Thanks so much for introducing yourselves in the blogosphere - it's always great to meet like minded families (especially localish ones!)

Do you make it up north much? If you're anywhere near Orem, we'd love to meet up for a Kazling play date! morningstarje @ gmail dot com

Hannah said...

YIKES! Life with boys huh?? Crazy.

Love the shots of the boys laughing...those are priceless :)