A few months ago we noticed Kolby had a bump over his left eye that was not going away. We went to his Pediatrician who ran multiple tests but was unable to determine what it was. We were referred to a specialist here in Cedar City, he was able to tell us it was a Dermoid cyst and fairly common in the brow area. But that we would have to have it removed as it would continue to grow in size. Being that we live in a small town we were sent to Primary Children's hospital in Salt Lake City. We met with a pediatric plastic surgeon who agreed it was a Dermoid cyst and scheduled the surgery.
The big day was Wed, they scheduled the surgery in Provo just 3 hours North of us. Because of the Swine flu scare Luke was not allowed in the hospital (nobody under 14) so grandpa and grandma came to the rescue and he stayed with them. Dewey, Kolby and I went up Tues night and stayed with our wonderful friends Troy and Wendy (huge thanks to them!).
All in all everything went better then we could have hoped. The hospital staff was wonderful, so very nice to all of us. Kolby did great, we took up our portable DVD player and his favorite movie in the entire world "Cars" for him to watch. He fell asleep before going in and stayed asleep after they wheeled him out. (huge help for me since I was not sure how I would handle him crying and screaming while they took him away)
The surgery went really well, the Doctor confirmed it had all the appearances of a cyst. It was hard hearing him cry (scream) as he came out of anaesthesia. I climbed onto the bed with him and he calmed down. Once he could talk he asked to watch his movie again, which made the nurses laugh :)
We were able to drive home Wed and Kolby is doing better then we could have hoped. The swelling has gone down and most important he doesn't seem to be in pain.
This is waiting for him to go into surgery.
We are so glad this is over and everything is fine. A large amount of stress and worry has been lifted from.
I am so glad he is doing ok. When Dmitry was two he had minor surgery and like you I heard him scream when he woke up....
I am glad he is doing good...good luck on getting him to slow down :)
Stacey so glad to hear that Kolby is home and is doing ok after his surgery.
Praying all will go well with his recovery too.
Such a stressful time for you as a Mum I'm sure...hope you can get some rest now too to catch up.
So glad to hear things went ok. It's soooo stressful anytime you have to rely on others to fully take care of your loved child. Blessings for a speedy recovery.
omg praying for your sweet angel!!!! HUGS!
i haven't checked in in a while and you have had tons of stuff going on this fall! i'm glad that kolby is doing good.
hope yall have a great weekend!
So glad that he is ok and everything is ok. Good luck keeping him from hitting his head that is a hard job. Love ya Tay
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