Luke is getting so big, so grown up. We have been doing some serious cleaning, going through things not needed or not used to donate. As most of you know even though Luke was two when we brought him home from Kazakhstan he was wearing size 9 month clothes. He was still wearing size 12 month shorts last year. (It was far more traumatic then I thought it would be to go through his baby clothes that don't fit anymore. The only way I got through it was to promise myself I'm saving shirts to make a quilt.) I'm thrilled to report he is now a size three in shorts and pants!!! At his Doctors well visit a few weeks ago we found out he is....drum roll please... finally on the U.S growth charts!!!
Not only is he growing like a weed, he is also hilarious! This kid makes me laugh out loud every day. Dew and I are always looking at each other "did he just say that"? It doesn't seem that long ago that he said his first sentence. A few days ago I was giving the boys a bath and they were both splashing like crazy. ( I know weird for a 2 and 4 year old) I told them to stop they were getting me all wet. Luke turns to me and says "Mom relax, its just water it will dry". I heard Dew laughing at the other end of the house. Did my baby boy just tell me to relax??? Yup, he sure did. Hum, maybe a lesson in that for me to pay attention to.
It must truly make you smile thought os see how he mimics daddy so much. What an awesome time.
he is sooo handsome they big tooo fast!
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