Everyone knows we love our Sunday drives. A few weeks back the weather predictions were not good, it was going to be a stormy blustery day. We didn't need any more incentive to try and find some sun and fun. We started our going over a mountain to the East....hum nope still several feet of snow. We headed South to Kanab, a beautiful little town that is usually warm. (at least warmer then us) But the wind beat us there so we had lunch but couldn't really get out and play. We decided to head West again but go a different way then the over the mountain route we had taken. So off we go, cross into Arizona and head home.......
Me "um I think we are driving East"
Dew " maybe a little but its more South then East"
Me " No I think its pretty much straight East"
Dew " I think the road curves around up here and we will head West again"
I'm looking around at this point and seeing NOTHING except tree's as we head East back into some mountains.... oh and snow.... a blizzard really.
This is the first thing we came to, it was a little scenic view spot. I took a picture of the sign as proof....... that we had been driving East and were almost to the GRAND CANYON. We had taken a wrong turn right out of Kanab.
We have been laughing about our adventure ever since. What a fun, completely unexpected day. I think they make the best memories. That and the fact that me and the boys slept most of the way home :)
What an adventure!!! And yes you all do look cold especially poor Kolby! You may not have found sun but at least you had fun and can look back and have a good laugh about it:)
Good to hear from you...I am very slow at blogging these days...I need to get my camera out!
Take care,
looks like you guys had a great time!!!!
Aw- look at them all bundled up, so cute!
Yes, unexpected adventures are always the best! Thanks for sharing with us!
I love that you just hop in the car and drive. Awesome! Those unexpected adventures really do make for the funnest times!
The pics are so cute!! Love that Map too!!
Those are the best kind of days to have!
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