Sunday we went for a drive up one of our canyons. And much to our delight it was SNOWING!!
Great big fluffy perfect for catching on your tongue snow flakes.
The boys loved it!!! We ran around and played and really just had a wonderful time.
We stopped at a little "One man ran" diner. It was one of those great little places where nobody knows anyone but everyone says hi when you walk in. Add a cozy fireplace in the corner and football on the big screen............perfect lunch.
Another amazing Sunday!!!
Have a great week everyone!!!
OMG we had snow here this week too but not that much!!! Im not a snow girl at all!!!!
My kids love the snow especially my Guate girl! LOL
But very pretty pictures!
oh my, the pics are precious! Especially the firt snow fall for your son:)Beautiful pic!!
I miss summer already. Good thing there is snow skiing or we would be relocating to Phoenix. Great pics. Mikey
you take the best pictures..i wish i had my camera on me more but i am just doing good to be around. oh, my husband just got home...gotta run
Oh how wonderful always seem to do such great things together as a family on weekends. How special and to see all that snow...amazing. The boys must have loved it.
We've just moved and its good to finally be back online to catch up on your news.
Take care,
Love the last pic! Honestly, that's a framer.
You guys have the coolest adventures!!
OH MY GOODNESS what gorgeous pictures and the last one is truly adorable and so precious. So glad it was so much fun.
Oh My! It all sounds like such a wonderful time BUT, it also gives me a cold chill. It is really starting to get cold here too but no snow yet. I wish I was not so cold natured. I just want to hibernate and snuggle in the covers. I see you haven't posted this weekend. I hope all is well! Have a great day!
OMG Stacy
That last picture actually made me cry...
Last year about this time, we started communicating... Regarding our Journeys that pretty much was at a standstill...
Now, 1 year later, look at you... Walking Hand and Hand with BOTH your sons in SNOW... SNOW... Something one of them would have never seen it you gave up~!
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