Thrift store crafts!!!
I have been checking out some blogs with these amazingly creative women who can make anything out of junk or thrift store finds. So I thought what the hell I'd give it a try.
So this is the stuff from my first trip looking for "treasures".... the total cost for everything was less then $8 (woo-hoo)
We are in need of Holiday decorations, so I thought I would start with Halloween.
These boxes got turned into.......
This wooden sign got turned into......
This "spooky" wooden sign
So there you go, my first try at Thrift store crafts. And I have to admit, I'm kinda hooked. I love the idea of reusing things and turning them into something new. And I really love that it costs next to nothing :) The big frame in the first pic is going to be a chalk board. And the rest will be other Holiday decorations, yet to be determined.
Have a great weekend Everyone!!
To see more FFF pics please go see Sara at
OMG you rock!!!! I love to go to Thrift stores and Auctions!!!!!
I need to get my Crafty-ness on!!!
You are the man...or woman. That is really cool. I watch some of those blogs too and just marvel at what they do. I have my moments of making something semi cool but never like what they come up with. You on the other hand are a master!
WOW! I love your Halloween themed stuff! YAY for thrift store finds (:
Have a great weekend~
Wow, you did an awesome job !!! I wish I was that talented. Have a great weekend.
Great job!! I have the intentions to do this, but never the time!
wow, that is amazing, you did great!
WOW! Those are awesome! You have quite a talent! I so wish I was crafty!
Awesome job!!!!!And what a fabulous idea...I know what I'm doing next week!!!!!!!!
OMG, you are ultra-creative!!! That is amazing what you did. I love everything, especially the shells.
Oh, so crafty! Great job!!
I am SO impressed! Those are AWESOME!!!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I laughed when I read your comment about saving money on hair products! I think all of the hairspray I used in the 80's & 90's is responsible for the gigantic hole in the ozone layer!
WOW Stacey!! You are SO clever!!!
I love what you've done with those things you found. Such a great idea.
I wish I could be that creative.
Hope you have a good weekend!
Wow! I love what you did with your finds - how creative!!!
Great job! Love your handi-work! I could buy things like you did but they would just collect dust until one day they would be sold in a garage sale to someone creative like you. A girl can dream though!
On another note, are you in Cedar City Utah? I saw it on my tracker and checked the last couple of comments and viola! I ask because my parents are leaving next week on a road trip and are staying 3 nights in Cedar City. I'd never heard of it until yesterday--what a small world!
WOWSER, I am most definitely IMPRESSED if only I had some that "craftiness"!
and time would be a really good place to start, hahahaha
That is so cool! You did an amazing job!!
Wowee!! You did a GREAT job on those!!
Way to reuse and recycle.
What did you cover the boxes with? Those are way cool.
WOW!! You did a great job!!
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