These are some of the pictures from Grandma's visit. Its so funny I have lived in this town for three years. We went exploring and went to a Museum (I have driven past it countless times) I had never been too. And we found a park in a small neighboring town that I didn't even know was there.
These are pictures from the park.
These are from the Museum, Luke was THRILLED to be able to sit in a stage coach. The only problem was that they only had one to SIT in and about 10 to LOOK at. Three year olds have a hard time understanding that concept :) So we pretty much had to drag him out of the place.
I'm so thankful that she was able to spend so much time with us. I have such wonderful memories of my grandparents growing up. I really want our boys to have the same.
We received a package from Luke and Kolby's Nana in Texas. It was full of books and bath toys. The boys LOVE them. Thank you Mrs. Arnold (Nana's friend) for the "big truck" books. Luke LOVES to sit and look through them. We read stories every night. I'm hoping the boys take after us in our love of reading.
This is a great post, I am like you, I have wonderful memories of my grandparents too, I want my kids to have that too and me with my new grandbaby to come, in January!!
What a special time for you all Stacey!
I really think its so important to spend time with extended family. It's just hard if you don't all live near each other, but well worth the effort.
Love that double stroller you have pictured- very fancy!
Take care,
Isn't it the most precious site to see your parents with you child. Love it!!!
I am so glad that Luke likes "BIG" trucks books and know that he will be able to share with Kolby soon. You are so welcome for them and I am glad that GG got to visit. Your mom and I are special friends.
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