Luke and Kolby both received a leapster from Santa Claus. At first glance they were not at all impressed. I don't think they were even touched at all on Christmas day. However once they were discovered its hard to pry them from the boys hands. This is how I found them one morning.
So something amazing happened last week.....see these boys
They wanted us to measure them. So we got out the measuring tape and had them stand against the wall. Luke went first he is 3 '4. Next was Kolby who measured 3 '4, yep the exact same. Hum.....better weigh them. Luke weighs 33.6 ounces Kolby..........33.6 ounces.
That's right our boys are EXACTLY the same size to the very last inch & ounce.
Over the weekend we went to St.George to cheer on family that was running in the St.George half marathon. It was so neat to see so many Aunts uncles and cousins running. Dewey and I decided that we are making it a goal to run next year. Yes its true that I have never even run around the block. I would say that I am a very active person but NOT a runner. But we have a year to prepare so I assume (hope/fingers crossed I don't drop dead) I will be able to do it. And at this time next year I will be g...a...s...p 40 (I'm getting used to saying it and writing it so I don't have a full freak out on my birthday) so it will be kinda cool to say I ran my first (and most likely last) a half marathon at 40.
So anybody that wants to join us is welcome to. Liz and Gary (my sister and brother inlaw) said they are in. The more the merrier!!
So step one I suppose I need some sort of running shoes...they make such things right? :)