Its that time of year again
I know its still September and that our Oktoberfest may be the smallest festival ever to be called Oktoberfest but we still love it!
They hold it every year at Brian Head a small ski resort about a half hour away from us.
It was perfect weather so we took a walk to show the boys the ski lift and runs. (hoping to get Luke skiing the year)
This was our "practice" lift ride. I can just imagine these three in a few years all in their ski gear tearing it up coming down the mountain.
Brian head was so pretty with the tree's just starting to change colors.
On the way home we took a side route and found that lower down the mountain the leaves have already changed. Gorgeous colors, bright fire red and orange, sunshine yellow. We stopped and gathered leaves, the boys loved finding all the different colors.
This was our "practice" lift ride. I can just imagine these three in a few years all in their ski gear tearing it up coming down the mountain.
On the way home we took a side route and found that lower down the mountain the leaves have already changed. Gorgeous colors, bright fire red and orange, sunshine yellow. We stopped and gathered leaves, the boys loved finding all the different colors.
I love the fall, but it seems like every part of it is so fleeting, I hope we can go up and see the leaves again before its to late.